Web Me Up Blog

Read interesting information related to websites


10 Reasons Free Websites Are Bad

10 Reasons Free Websites Are Bad

Regardless of the title of this article, free websites completely have their place. Pastime bloggers and even some professionals seeking to create digital portfolios could make wonderful use of those platforms. Nonetheless, if you would like a website that...

5 Reasons you need a website

5 Reasons you need a website

1. Having a website will attract new clients to your small business and make you extra money. We like this stat a lot, we’re mentioning it twice: 81% of individuals analysis an enterprise or service online prior to creating a purchase order choice. When you don’t have...

South African Internet Usage

South African Internet Usage

South Africa occupies a unique space as both a quickly evolving first-world society and a developing third-world country with related socio-economic issues. high-speed internet connectivity and infrastructure are extremely poor in South Africa, but close to 100% of...

Why Does My Business Need a Website?

Why Does My Business Need a Website?

Websites work. No matter what your business or profession is, a website can generate business, promote goodwill among customers and prospects, and deliver strong marketing messages – whether your business is small, large or in-between, well-established or brand-new....